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YouTube Downloader

3 min read


I recently went on a long trip back home to Florida to see family. Flying all the way there can take about 8 hours and I usually watch movies or work on my computer during that time. But before I ended up leaving I decided that I wanted to download some YouTube videos that I had saved.

So I headed over to the videos one by one and clicked on the Download button where I was hit with this.

Youtube Download

Youtube Premium yikes o.o

I started thinking about how I could get around this and I found websites where you can put a URL and it would give you the mp4 file back. But that wasn't a great solution since it is so repetitive for each video I wanted to download. Then I started looking for programmatic ways to achieve this and stumbled upon the pytube package.

It was pretty simple to get up and running. I created a folder called inputs and made a file named videos.txt where I could dump all of the YouTube URLs I wanted to download. From there I just parsed the list line by line and then download for each link and put the mp4 files into a target directory. Here's what I came up with.

from pytube import YouTube
# Video resolution and input/output paths
resolution = "720p"
input_file_name = "videos.txt"
dest_folder_name = "vods"
# Get the links to download
with open(f'./inputs/{input_file_name}', 'r') as inputs:
links = inputs.readlines()
# Track if we can't download all of the videos
count = 0
total = len(links)
# Download the videos
for link in links:
link = link.strip()
yt = YouTube(link)
print('Downloading:', yt.title)
# Check for the correct video resolution
yd = yt.streams.get_by_resolution(resolution)
if not yd:
print(f"No {resolution} resolution for the video {yt.title}")
count += 1
# I want to know if we don't download all of the videos
if count != total:
print(f"Downloaded {count} out of {total} videos")

I also added in another python script to remove all of the videos from the target directory when I don't want them anymore.
import os, shutil
dest_folder_name = "vods"
folder = f"./{dest_folder_name}"
for filename in os.listdir(folder):
file = os.path.join(folder, filename)
if os.path.isfile(file) or os.path.islink(file):
elif os.path.isdir(file):
except Exception as e:
print(f"Failed to delete {file}")
print(f"Exception: {e}")

The resulting directory looked like this: File directory

If you want to make modification to the resulting resolution you only need to change the variable at the top of the script or you can use the get_highest_resolution() method instead of yt.streams.get_by_resolution(resolution). I choose to keep it at 720p because I didn't want to download 4k videos and take up all my disk space.

Hope you enjoyed the article and that you got something useful out of it. I found this script really helpful in filling the time on my trip where I didn't have wifi and I will definitely be using it again. Thank you for reading and please share the article if you thought it was helpful!